Project Information

This is a copy of the email about the final projects that I sent to everyone on November 30:

There will be no final exam for the course, but we will be meeting
at the time scheduled for the exam (Dec 17 from 6 to 8pm), when each
group will give a ten minute presentation/demo of their project to
the class.

Final projects will be due on December 22.  You are to submit a
written report divided into the following sections:

Title           Centered at the top of the first page.
Author names    Centered under the title.
Introduction    Describe what the project was designed to do.
Methodology     Describe the development steps you actually followed.
Results         Describe what the final version of your project
                actually does.
Discussion      Describe the project development experience here.  For
                example, you might tell what problems you had to
                overcome and how successful you were in overcoming them.
                And/or you might tell how you would design the project
                if you were to do it over again.  Also, you should
                tell whether this project was particularly well-suited
                for implementing on the RC200 or not.
Appendix        Well documented code listings.  (See coding guidelines
                for the course.)

Do not try to "sell" your project.  A frank discussion that includes
both its strong and weak points will count much more.

The project will be graded as follows:

  25% Proposal  (Clarity, structure, English usage)
  15% Presentation/demo (Organization, clarity, effectiveness)
  30% Report    (Clarity, structure, content, English usage)
  30% Code      (Clarity, structure, style, documentation,