// keyboard_lcd.hcc
/* Version IV
* Generate images of seven segment displays on the LCD to
* show ASCII codes of characters typed on keyboard.
* Author: C. Vickery
* Fall 2003
#define PAL_TARGET_CLOCK_RATE 25175000
#include <stdlib.hch>
#include <pal_master.hch>
#include <pal_keyboard.hch>
#define lcd_handle PalVideoOutOptimalCT( PAL_ACTUAL_CLOCK_RATE )
PalKeyboard *kbd;
static macro expr RED = 0xFF0000;
static macro expr BLUE = 0x0000FF;
static macro expr WHITE = 0xFFFFFF;
static macro expr currX = PalVideoOutGetX( lcd_handle );
static macro expr currY = PalVideoOutGetY( lcd_handle );
static unsigned 8 inChar = 0x88;
static unsigned 7 leftSegs = 0;
static unsigned 7 rightSegs = 0;
static unsigned 7 hexDigits[16] =
0b0111111, 0b0000110, 0b1011011, 0b1001111,
0b1100110, 0b1101101, 0b1111101, 0b0000111,
0b1111111, 0b1101111, 0b1110111, 0b1111100,
0b0111001, 0b1011110, 0b1111001, 0b1110001
// testInside()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Draw red or blue pixel, depending on whether current position
* is inside a segment or not.
static macro proc testInside()
( leftSegs[0] && ( currX >= 100 && currX <= 163 )
&& ( currY >= 100 && currY <= 107 ) ) ||
( rightSegs[0] && ( currX >= 200 && currX <= 263 )
&& ( currY >= 100 && currY <= 107 ) ) ||
( leftSegs[1] && ( currX >= 156 && currX <= 163 )
&& ( currY >= 100 && currY <= 163 ) ) ||
( rightSegs[1] && ( currX >= 256 && currX <= 263 )
&& ( currY >= 100 && currY <= 163 ) ) ||
( leftSegs[2] && ( currX >= 156 && currX <= 163 )
&& ( currY >= 164 && currY <= 227 ) ) ||
( rightSegs[2] && ( currX >= 256 && currX <= 263 )
&& ( currY >= 164 && currY <= 227 ) ) ||
( leftSegs[3] && ( currX >= 100 && currX <= 163 )
&& ( currY >= 220 && currY <= 227 ) ) ||
( rightSegs[3] && ( currX >= 200 && currX <= 263 )
&& ( currY >= 220 && currY <= 227 ) ) ||
( leftSegs[4] && ( currX >= 100 && currX <= 107 )
&& ( currY >= 164 && currY <= 227 ) ) ||
( rightSegs[4] && ( currX >= 200 && currX <= 207 )
&& ( currY >= 164 && currY <= 227 ) ) ||
( leftSegs[5] && ( currX >= 100 && currX <= 107 )
&& ( currY >= 100 && currY <= 163 ) ) ||
( rightSegs[5] && ( currX >= 200 && currX <= 207 )
&& ( currY >= 100 && currY <= 163 ) ) ||
( leftSegs[6] && ( currX >= 100 && currX <= 163 )
&& ( currY >= 160 && currY <= 167 ) ) ||
( rightSegs[6] && ( currX >= 200 && currX <= 263 )
&& ( currY >= 160 && currY <= 167 ) )
PalVideoOutWrite( lcd_handle, RED );
PalVideoOutWrite( lcd_handle, BLUE );
// main()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Read from Keyboard and draw hexadecimal representation of ASCII
* codes on the LCD. Display count of characters read on actual
* seven segment displays.
void main( void )
unsigned PalVideoOutGetMaxXWidthCT maxX;
unsigned PalVideoOutGetMaxYWidthCT maxY;
unsigned 9 charCount;
PalVersionRequire( 1, 2 );
PalPS2PortRequire( 2 );
PalSevenSegRequire( 2 );
PalSevenSegEnable( PalSevenSegCT( 0 ) );
PalSevenSegEnable( PalSevenSegCT( 1 ) );
charCount = 0;
maxX = PalVideoOutGetVisibleX( lcd_handle,
maxY = PalVideoOutGetVisibleY( lcd_handle );
// Keyboard Input Processing
// -------------------------
PalKeyboardRun( &kbd, PalPS2PortCT( 1 ),
PalKeyboardEnable( kbd );
while ( TRUE )
// Update info for LCD processing
leftSegs = hexDigits[ inChar[7:4] ];
rightSegs = hexDigits[ inChar[3:0] ];
// Update char counter on actual seven segment displays
PalSevenSegWriteDigit( PalSevenSegCT(0),
charCount[7:4], 0 );
PalSevenSegWriteDigit( PalSevenSegCT(1),
charCount[3:0], 0 );
// Wait for user to type something
PalKeyboardReadASCII( kbd, &inChar );
// LCD Refresh Processing
// ----------------------
PalVideoOutRun( lcd_handle, PAL_ACTUAL_CLOCK_RATE );
PalVideoOutEnable( lcd_handle );
while (TRUE )
// Display a white border arount the edges
if ( (currX < 8) || (currY < 8) ||
(currX > (maxX - 8)) || (currY > (maxY - 8))
PalVideoOutWrite( lcd_handle, WHITE );
// Display lighted segment pixels in red and background
// pixels in blue.