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Clock, Buttons, Switches, and Seven Segment Displays

The Flex EPF10K70RC240-4 FPGA on the right side of the UP2 logic kit is connected to two seven segment displays, (“Left Digit” and “Right Digit”), eight “dip” switches (“Switch 1” through “Switch 8”) located in a red switch block, and two push buttons (“Flex PB1” and “Flex PB2”).

The dip switches produce logic “1” when pressed down, the push buttons produce logic “0” when pressed, and the segments of the seven segment displays light up when connected to logic “0”. The following table shows which FPGA pin numbers are connected to these devices:

ConnectionPin Name
25.175 MHz ClockPIN_91
PB 1PIN_28
PB 2PIN_29
Switch 1PIN_41
Switch 2PIN_40
Switch 3PIN_39
Switch 4PIN_38
Switch 5PIN_36
Switch 6PIN_35
Switch 7PIN_34
Switch 8PIN_33
Left Digit, Segment APIN_6
Left Digit, Segment BPIN_7
Left Digit, Segment CPIN_8
Left Digit, Segment DPIN_9
Left Digit, Segment EPIN_11
Left Digit, Segment FPIN_12
Left Digit, Segment GPIN_13
Left Digit, Decimal PointPIN_14
Right Digit, Segment APIN_17
Right Digit, Segment BPIN_18
Right Digit, Segment CPIN_19
Right Digit, Segment DPIN_20
Right Digit, Segment EPIN_21
Right Digit, Segment FPIN_23
Right Digit, Segment GPIN_24
Right Digit, Decimal PointPIN_25