Reading Assignment, Reference Material, and Resources
This assignment covers material from Chapter 4 of the textbook.
Put the answers to the following questions in the body of an email message (no attachments
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” as the subject line. Be sure your name
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You must submit this assignment by 5:00 pm on the due date to receive credit for it.
- Figure 4.1 shows two adders. Which one (the left one or the right one) is used to compute Branch Target Addresses?
- Explain why the output of the ALU is connected to both the Data Memory and the Register File.
- Where do the rs and rt instruction fields connect in Figure 4.7?
- Where do the R[rs] and R[rt] values connect in Figure 4.7?
- Construct a table with three rows, labelled R-type, lw, and sw, and three columns labelled RegWrite, MemWrite, and MemRead. Put a “1” in each cell where the indicated control signal would be true for the given op code, and a “0” in all the other cells.
- Why is there no “RegRead” control signal?
For the Data Memory unit (Figure 4.8), assume the MemRead control signal signal is true, and answer the
following questions:
- What is the op code of the instruction being executed?
- Which inputs and/or outputs are irrelevant when MemRead is true?
- Which inputs and/or outputs must be set to zero when MemRead is true?
For the Data Memory unit (Figure 4.8), assume the MemWrite control signal signal is true, and answer the
following questions:
- What is the op code of the instruction being executed?
- Which inputs and/or outputs are irrelevant when MemWrite is true?
- Which inputs and/or outputs must be set to zero when MemWrite is true?
- What is the ALU used for during the execution of beq instructions?
- What is the purpose of the MemToReg control signal?
- For which op code(s) will the MemToReg control signal be true?
- What is the purpose of the AND gate in Figure 4.17?
- What must the value of RegDst be for R-type instructions?
- What must the value of RegDst be for lw instructions?
- What must the value of RegDst be for sw instructions, and why?
- What must the value of RegDst be for beq instructions, and why?
- Define instruction latency.
- Define instruction throughput.
- What is the relationship between latency and throughput for the single-cycle datapath?
- What is the equation for the time it takes to execute a program?
- What determines the minimum clock period for the single-cycle datapath? (General answer.)
- Which one instruction determines the minimum clock period for the single-cycle datapath, and why?
- What is a perfectly balanced pipeline?
- What is the relationship between latency and throughput for a pipelined datapath?
- What is the maximum clock speed for a perfectly balanced n-stage pipelined datapath compared to a single-cycle datapath implemented using the same technology (same propogation delays for the gates)?
- What is the instruction latency for a perfectly balanced n-stage pipelined datapath compared to a single-cycle datapath implemented using the same technology?
- What is the instruction throughput for a perfectly balanced n-stage pipelined datapath compared to a single-cycle datapath implemented using the same technology?
- Define structural, data, and control hazards.
- Give an example of a structural hazard and tell how it can be eliminated.
- Give an example of a data hazard and give the name of the technique that can be used to minimize its effect.
- How are unavoidable data hazards dealt with in the MIPS instruction set architecture?
- Give an example of a control hazard and name a technique that can be used to minimize its effect.
- What type of hazard is register forwarding used for?
- Summarize how register forwarding works.
- What is the advantage of deep (many stages) pipelines?
- What is the disadvantage of deep pipelines?
- Write a sentence that summarizes the contents of all pipeline registers.
- If a pipeline has n stages, how many places does the system clock connect to?