Everything listed here is “fair game” for the exam, but I cannot guarantee that I haven’t forgotten something
here that just has to be included on the exam. If in doubt, ask on the
Course Discussion Board.
Reading Assignments
- Clocked R-S Latch design and timing
- D Latch design and timing
- Master-Slave D Flip-Flop with Enable design and timing (what we called “edge-triggered”)
- N-bit register design
- Memory ports
- General register file design
- MIPS register file design
- R, I, and J instruction formats
- Three uses for I-format instructions
- Verilog language (all features used on the Green Card)
Single-cycle datapath
Three ways to compute PC next address; how to select the one to use
- Computing proper value of immediate field for branch instructions
- ROM vs RAM
- Instruction Memory and Data Memory operations
- Op code decoding
- Reasons for RegDst, Jump, Branch, MemRead, MemWrite, MemtoReg, ALUSrc, and RegWrite control signals
- Implication of ALUOp for extending design to include immediate arithmetic/logic instructions
- Timing analysis of single-cycle design
Three ways to compute PC next address; how to select the one to use
- …