"; ?> COAD 4e Chapter 4
4.6.1 The IF stage includes the MUX for selecting the input to the PC, the PC, the adder for
      computing PC+4, and the Instruction Memory. No delay is given for reading from the PC, so
      the critical path is either the adder and the MUX, or the time it takes to read from IM.
      For both
      a. and b. the IM time far exceeds the adder plus mux time, so the answers are:
      a. 400 ps
      b. 500 ps

4.6.2 Read from PC; read from IM | calculate PC+4; read regs | sign extend; shift left 2;
      PC+4 + {14{Immediate[15]},Immediate, 2'b0}

      (Semicolons show sequential delays, while vertical bars show parallel delays; use the max
      of parallel delays.)

      a. 0; 400 | 100; 200 | 20;  2; 100 = 0 + 400 + 200 + 2  + 100 = 702 ps
      b. 0; 500 | 150; 220 | 90; 20; 150 = 0 + 500 + 220 + 20 + 150 = 890 ps

      Note: the mux between the BTA adder and PC is not included because BTA output is always

4.6.3 As above, but need mux going into ALU, and the ALU itself:

a. 0; 400 | 100; 200 | 20;  2 |  30; 100 | 120;  30 = 0 + 400 + 200 +  30 + 120 +  30 =  780 ps
b. 0; 500 | 150; 220 | 90; 20 | 100; 150 | 180; 100 = 0 + 500 + 220 + 100 + 150 + 100 = 1070 ps

4.7.1 Read from PC; read from IM | calculate PC+4; read regs; ALU; write regs
      (No need to calculate BTA, mux to select input to PC, sign extend, or mux to select input
      to ALU.)
      a.  0; 400 | 100; 200; 120; 0 = 720 ps
      b.  0; 500 | 150; 220; 180; 0 = 900 ps

4.7.2 Read from PC; read from IM | calculate PC+4; read regs | sign extend; ALU; read DM; write
      (No need to calculate BTA, mux to select input to PC, mux to select input to ALU, or mux
      to select data to write back.)
      a.  0; 400 | 100; 200 | 20; 120;  350; 0 = 1070 ps
      b.  0; 500 | 150; 220 | 90; 180; 1000; 0 = 1900 ps

4.7.3 Time for lw must now include all the items omitted in previous question.
      Read from PC; read from IM | calculate PC+4; read regs | sign extend; (mux for ALU; ALU) |
      (shift left 2; calculate BTA); (mux to select PC address | read DM; mux to select write
      data); write regs

      a. 0; 400 | 100; 200 | 20; ( 30; 120) | ( 0; 100);  30 | ( 350;  30); 0
       = 0; 400      ; 200     ;  150       |  100     ;  30 |  380      ; 0 = 1130 ps

      b. 0; 500 | 150; 220 | 90; (100; 180) | (20; 150); 100 | (1000; 100); 0
       = 0; 500      ; 220     ;  280       |  170     ; 100 |  1100      ; 0 = 2100 ps

      a. lw + sw = 30%
      b. 50%

      a. addi + beq + lw + sw = 65%
      b. 70%
      For add and not, it is computing the sign extended value of the rd, shamt, and funct

      a. IM is used for all instructions, and has the longest latency of all components.
      Reducing its latency by 10% would take 40 ps off the worst-case latency, making it 1090.
      1130 ÷ 1090 is 1.037, so the speedup is 3.7%.

      b. IM is used for all instructions, but DM has double the latency as IM and is used for
      half the instructions.  So if you take 10% off the IM time, the cycle time for all
      instructions becomes 2050 ps. If you take 10% off the cycle time for half the
      instructions, the average cycle time becomes (0.5 × 2100) + (0.5 × 2050) = 2075 ps.  So
      reduce the IM latency by 10% for a speedup of 2100 ÷ 2050 = 1.024, so the speedup is 2.4%.

      a. 8CC10028
      b. 1442FFFF

      a. 6, yes; 1, yes (but value is not used)
      b. 1, yes; 2, yes

      a. 1, yes
      b. 2, no

      a. RegDst is 0 (use rt); MemRead = 1
      b. RegWrite is 0; MemRead = 0

      a. pipelined: 500 ps; non-pipelined: 1650 ps
      b. pipelined: 190 ps; non-pipelined:  800 ps

      a. 500 ps; 1650 ps
      b. 190 ps;  800 ps

      a. MEM; 400 ps
      b.  IF; 190 ps

      a.  25%
      b.  45%

      a.  65% (ALU + lw)
      b.  60%

4.12.6  Use answers to 4.12.1 or 4.12.2 for the pipelined and single-cycle designs.
          ALU: IF + ID + EX + WB
          beq: IF + ID + EX
          lw:  IF + ID + EX + MEM + WB
          sw:  IF + ID + EX + MEM

        a.  .50 (300 + 400 + 350 + 100)       =  575.0
            .25 (200 + 400 + 350)             =  237.5
            .15 (200 + 400 + 350 + 500 + 100) =  232.5
            .10 (200 + 400 + 350 + 500)       =   72.5
                                              = 1117.5 ps

        b.  .30 (200 + 150 + 120 + 140)       =  183.0
            .25 (200 + 150 + 120)             =  117.5
            .30 (200 + 150 + 120 + 190 + 140) =  240.0
            .15 (200 + 150 + 120 + 190)       =   99.0
                                              =  639.5 ps

4.13.1  (cc refers to clock cycles; it takes 7 clock cycles to execute all three instructions.)
        a.    IF  ID  EX  ME  WB
          lw  cc1 cc2 cc3 cc4 cc5
          add cc2 cc3 cc4 cc4 cc6
          sw  cc3 cc4 cc5 cc6 cc7

          When the sw reads its registers in cc4, rs ($1) is in the ME/WB register, so the
          reference is a type 2a hazard (pg 365). rt ($r6) is in the EX/ME, so this is a type 1a

        b.    IF  ID  EX  ME  WB
          lw  cc1 cc2 cc3 cc4 cc5
          sw  cc2 cc3 cc4 cc4 cc6
          add cc3 cc4 cc5 cc6 cc7

          When the sw tries to get the values of both rs and rt ($5) in cc3, it has not yet been
          read from ME because the lw is still in the EX stage, so this data dependency will
          cause a stall.

          When the add needs the value of $5 for both rs and rt in cc4, the value is now in
          ME/WB, so this is a type 1a hazard.

          a. lw, add, nop, sw
          b. lw, nop, nop, sw, add

          a. No nops needed
          b. lw, nop, sw, add

          a. 8×300 = 2400 ps; 7×400 = 2800 ps; slowdown is 2400/2800 = 0.86
          (8 clocks because of one nop with no forwarding

          b. 9×200 = 1800 ps; 8×250 = 2000 ps; slowdown is 1800/2000 = 0.90
          (9 = 7 + 2 nops; 8 = 7 + 1 nop)

          a.  lw, add, nop, sw
          b.  lw, nop, nop, sw, add

          a.  8×300 = 2400 ps; 8×360 = 2880 ps; slowdown is 2400/2880 = 0.83
          b.  9×200 = 1800 ps; 9×220 = 1980 ps; slowdown is 1800/1980 = 0.91