Note: The following answers are taken from the Instructor’s Manual for the textbook. Do not make them available publicly.
Let me know if you have any problems with them.
Dr. Vickery

5.1   Combinational logic only: a, b, c, h, i
      Sequential logic only: f, g, j
      Mixed sequential and combinational: d, e, k

5.8   A modification to the datapath is necessary to allow the new PC to
      come from a register (Read data 1 port), and a new signal (e.g.,
      JumpReg) to control it through a multiplexor as shown in Figure 5.42.

      A new line should be added to the truth table in Figure 5.18 on page
      308 to implement the jr instruction and a new column to produce the
      JumpReg signal.

5.9   A modification to the data path is necessary to feed the shamt field
      (instruction[10:6]) to the ALU in order to determine the shift amount.
      The instruction is in R-Format and is controlled according to the
      first line in Figure 5.18 on page 308.

      The ALU will identify the sll operation by the ALUop field.

      Figure 5.13 on page 302 should be modified to recognize the opcode of
      sll: the third line should be changed to 1X1X0000 0010 (to
      discriminate the add and ssl functions), and a new line, inserted, for
      example, 1X0X0000 0011 (to define sll by the 0011 operation

5.10  One possible lui implementation  doesn't need a modification to the
      datapath: We can use the ALU to implement the shift operation. The
      shift operation can be like the one presented for Exercise 5.9, but
      will make the shift amount as a constant 16. A new line should be
      added to the truth table in Figure 5.18 on page 308 to define the new
      shift function to the function unit. (Remember two things: first,
      there is no funct field in this command; second, the shift operation
      is done to the immediate field, not the register input.)

        RegDst    = 1: To write the ALU output back to the destination
                        register ($rt).
        ALUSrc    = 1: Load the immediate field into the ALU.
        MemtoReg  = 0: Data source is the ALU.
        RegWrite  = 1: Write results back.
        MemRead   = 0: No memory read required.
        MemWrite  = 0: No memory write required.
        Branch    = 0: Not a branch.
        ALUOp     = 11: sll operation.

      This ALUOp (11) can be translated by the ALU as shl,ALUI1,16 by
      modifying the truth table in Figure 5.13 in a way similar to Exercise

The following solutions are from Dr. Vickery: Let me know if you find any errors!

1.  The rt and rd fields of the instruction; immediate format instructions use
    the rd field as part of the immediate operand, and they do not need the rt
    field for the second register, so they use the rt field for the desination
    register. The RegDst signal controls the 2×5 multiplexer. The mux has
    two 5-bit inputs (rt and rd) and a 5-bit output (Write Register #).
    Internally, it is five 2×1 multiplexers, all controlled by the same
    RegDst control signal.

2.  The output of the ALU and the output of the data memory; a 2×32 mux,
    contolled by the MemtoReg control signal is used to select whether the ALU
    or data memory provides the data to the register file’s Write Date
    input. MemtoReg is true only for sw (store word) instructions.

3.  It has 2^32 bytes organized as 2^30 32-bit words. Addresses are 32 bits wide
    because the memory is byte addressable. But the rightmost two bits of an
    address would be something other than 2'b00 only when doing byte or halfword
    loads or stores, which is never the case for the MIPS subset we are working
    with in this course.

4.  a. Arithmetic and logical operations using an immediate operand, such as addi
    b. Instructions that use the immediate field to calculate an
    “effective address” for data memory accesses; lw and sw are the
    only two used in this course.
    c. Conditional branch instructions, which use the immediate field to compute
    the branch target address. beq and bne are examples.

5.  {16{I[15]}, I[15:0]}

6.  {16'b0, I[15:0]} Logical (bit-wise AND and OR) do not do sign extension
    because they are used for operations involving unsigned numbers.

7.  Effective_Address = R[rs] + {14{I[15]}, I[15:0], 2'b00};

8.  Branch_Target_Address = PC + 4 + {14{I15], I[15:0], 2'b00};

9.  Jump_Address = {PC[31:28], I[25:0], 2'b00};

10. Data Memory, the register file, and the PC. (In a pipelined datapath, all
    the pipeline registers are connected to the clock too.)