1. 10^15 Floating Point Operations Per Second 2. Multiply the number of feet by 12. 3. 2.5 * 12 = 30 inches 4. Multiply the number of nanoseconds by 1,000 5. 2.5 * 1000 = 2,500 picoseconds 6. 1/(4 * 10^9) = 0.250 * 10^-9 seconds = 0.250 nanoseconds = 250.0 picoseconds 7. 1/(2.5 * 10^-3) = 0.400 * 10^3 Hertz = 0.400 KHz = 400.0 Hz 8. 1/(44.0 *10^3) = 0.227000 * 10^-3 seconds = 227.0000 milliseconds = 227000.0 microseconds 9. ceil(log2(7)) = 3 code value ---- ----- 000 Sun 001 Mon 010 Tue 011 Wed 100 Thu 101 Fri 110 Sat 111 unused code word 10. Divide the number of possible choices in half with each question. The number of questions that will need to be asked equals the number of bits used in the code words. 11. 2^30 12. 10^9