Note: These answers are taken from the Instructor’s Manual for the textbook. Do not make them available publicly.
Let me know if you have any problems with them.
Dr. Vickery

5.1   Combinational logic only: a, b, c, h, i
      Sequential logic only: f, g, j
      Mixed sequential and combinational: d, e, k

5.2   a. RegWrite = 0: All R-format instructions, in addition to lw,
      will not work because these instructions will not be able to
      write their results to the register file.

      b. ALUop1 = 0: All R-format instructions except subtract will
      not work correctly because the ALU will perform subtract instead
      of the required ALU operation.

      c. ALUop0 = 0: beq instruction will not work because the ALU
      will perform addition instead of subtraction (see Figure 5.12),
      so the branch outcome may be wrong.

      d. Branch (or PCSrc) = 0: beq will not execute correctly. The
      branch instruction will always be not taken even when it should
      be taken.

      e. MemRead = 0: lw will not execute correctly because it will
      not be able to read data from memory.

      f. MemWrite = 0: sw will not work correctly because it will not
      be able to write to the data memory.

5.3   a. RegWrite = 1: sw and beq should not write results to the
      register file.  sw ( beq) will overwrite a random register with
      either the store address (branch target) or random data from the
      memory data read port.

      b. ALUop0 = 1: lw and sw will not work correctly because they
      will perform subtraction instead of the addition necessary for
      address calculation.

      c. ALUop1 = 1: lw and sw will not work correctly.  lw and sw
      will perform a random operation depending on the least
      significant bits of the address field instead of addition
      operation necessary for address calculation.

      d. Branch = 1: Instructions other than branches (beq) will not
      work correctly if the ALU Zero signal is raised. An R-format
      instruction that produces zero output will branch to a random
      address determined by its least significant 16 bits.

      e. MemRead = 1: All instructions will work correctly. (Data
      memory is always read, but memory data is never written to the
      register file except in the case of lw .)

      f. MemWrite = 1: Only sw will work correctly. The rest of
      instructions will store their results in the data memory, while
      they should not.

5.8   A modification to the datapath is necessary to allow the new PC to
      come from a register (Read data 1 port), and a new signal (e.g.,
      JumpReg) to control it through a multiplexor as shown in Figure 5.42.

      A new line should be added to the truth table in Figure 5.18 on page
      308 to implement the jr instruction and a new column to produce the
      JumpReg signal.

5.9   A modification to the data path is necessary to feed the shamt field
      (instruction[10:6]) to the ALU in order to determine the shift amount.
      The instruction is in R-Format and is controlled according to the
      first line in Figure 5.18 on page 308.

      The ALU will identify the sll operation by the ALUop field.

      Figure 5.13 on page 302 should be modified to recognize the opcode of
      sll: the third line should be changed to 1X1X0000 0010 (to
      discriminate the add and ssl functions), and a new line, inserted, for
      example, 1X0X0000 0011 (to define sll by the 0011 operation

5.10  One possible lui implementation  doesn't need a modification to the
      datapath: We can use the ALU to implement the shift operation. The
      shift operation can be like the one presented for Exercise 5.9, but
      will make the shift amount as a constant 16. A new line should be
      added to the truth table in Figure 5.18 on page 308 to define the new
      shift function to the function unit. (Remember two things: first,
      there is no funct field in this command; second, the shift operation
      is done to the immediate field, not the register input.)

        RegDst    = 1: To write the ALU output back to the destination
                        register ($rt).
        ALUSrc    = 1: Load the immediate field into the ALU.
        MemtoReg  = 0: Data source is the ALU.
        RegWrite  = 1: Write results back.
        MemRead   = 0: No memory read required.
        MemWrite  = 0: No memory write required.
        Branch    = 0: Not a branch.
        ALUOp     = 11: sll operation.

      This ALUOp (11) can be translated by the ALU as shl,ALUI1,16 by
      modifying the truth table in Figure 5.13 in a way similar to Exercise

5.11  A modification is required for the datapath of Figure 5.17 to perform
      the autoincrement by adding 4 to the $rs register through an
      incrementer. Also we need a second write port to the register file
      because two register writes are required for this instruction. The new
      write port will be controlled by a new signal, "Write 2", and a data
      port, "Write data 2." We assume that the Write register 2 identifier
      is always the same as Read register 1 ($rs). This way "Write 2"
      indicates that there is second write to register file to the register
      identified by "Read register 1," and the data is fed through Write
      data 2.

      A new line should be added to the truth table in Figure 5.18 for the
      l_inc command as follows:

        RegDst    = 0: First write to $rt.
        ALUSrc    = 1: Address field for address calculation.
        MemtoReg  = 1: Write loaded data from memory.
        RegWrite  = 1: Write loaded data into$rt.
        MemRead   = 1: Data memory read.
        MemWrite  = 0: No memory write required.
        Branch    = 0: Not a branch, output from the PCSrc controlled mux
        ALUOp     = 00: Address calculation.
        Write2    = 1: Second register write (to $rs).

      Such a modification of the register file architecture may not be
      required for a multiple- cycle implementation, since multiple writes
      to the same port can occur on different cycles.

5.12  This instruction requires two writes to the register file. The only
      way to implement it is to modify the register file to have two write
      ports instead of one.

5.13  From Figure 5.18, the MemtoReg control signal looks identical to
      both signals, except for the don't care entries which have
      different settings for the other signals. A don't care can be
      replaced by any signal; hence both signals can substitute for
      the MemtoReg signal.

      Signals ALUSrc and MemRead differ in that sw sets ALSrc (for
      address calculation) and resets MemRead (writes memory: can't
      have a read and a write in the same cycle), so they can't
      replace each other. If a read and a write operation can take
      place in the same cycle, then ALUSrc can replace MemRead, and
      hence we can eliminate the two signals MemtoReg and MemRead from
      the control system.

      Insight: MemtoReg directs the memory output into the register file;
      this happens only in loads. Because sw and beq don’t produce
      output, they don't write to the register file (Regwrite = 0), and the
      setting of MemtoReg is hence a don't care. The important setting for a
      signal that replaces the MemtoReg signal is that it is set for lw
      (Mem->Reg), and reset for R-format (ALU->Reg), which is the case
      for the ALUSrc (different sources for ALU identify lw from R-format)
      and MemRead (lw reads memory but not R-format).

5.14  swap $rs,$rt can be implemented by:

        addi $rd,$rs,0
        addi $rs,$rt,0
        addi $rt,$rd,0

      if there is an available register, $rd, or:

        sw $rs,temp($r0)
        addi $rs,$rt,0
        lw $rt,temp($r0)

      if not.

      Software takes three cycles, and hardware takes one cycle. Assume Rs
      is the ratio of swaps in the code mix and that the base CPI is 1:
      Average MIPS time per instruction =
        Rs * 3 * T + (1 ? Rs ) * 1 * T = (2 Rs + 1) * T

      Complex implementation time = 1.1 * T

      If swap instructions are greater than 5% of the instruction mix, then
      a hardware implementation would be preferable.

5.28  Load instructions are on the critical path that includes the following
      functional units: instruction memory, register file read, ALU, data
      memory, and register file write. Increasing the delay of any of these
      units will increase the clock period of this datapath. The units that
      are outside this critical path are the two adders used for PC
      calculation (PC + 4 and PC + Immediate field), which produce the
      branch outcome.

      Based on the numbers given on page 315, the sum of the the two adder?s
      delay can tolerate delays up to 400 more ps.

      Any reduction in the critical path components will lead to a reduction
      in the clock period.

5.29  a. RegWrite = 0: All R-format instructions, in addition to lw, will
      not work because these instructions will not be able to write their
      results to the register file.

      b. MemRead = 0: None of the instructions will run correctly because
      instructions will not be fetched from memory.

      c. MemWrite = 0: sw will not work correctly because it will not be
      able to write to the data memory.

      d. IRWrite = 0: None of the instructions will run correctly because
      instructions fetched from memory are not properly stored in the IR

      e. PCWrite = 0: Jump instructions will not work correctly because
      their target address will not be stored in the PC.

      f. PCWriteCond = 0: Taken branches will not execute correctly because
      their target address will not be written into the PC.

5.30  a. RegWrite = 1: Jump and branch will write their target address into
      the register file. sw will write the destination address or a random
      value into the register file.

      b. MemRead = 1: All instructions will work correctly. Memory will be
      read all the time, but IRWrite and IorD will safeguard this signal.

      c. MemWrite = 1: All instructions will not work correctly. Both
      instruction and data memories will be written over by the contents of
      register B.

      d. IRWrite = 1: lw will not work correctly because data memory output
      will be translated as instructions.

      e. PCWrite = 1: All instructions except jump will not work correctly.
      This signal should be raised only at the time the new PC address is
      ready (PC + 4 at cycle 1 and jump target in cycle 3). Raising this
      signal all the time will corrupt the PC by either ALU results of
      R-format, memory address of lw / sw, or target address of conditional
      branch, even when they should not be taken.

      f. PCWriteCond = 1: Instructions other than branches (beq) will not
      work correctly if they raise the ALU's Zero signal. An R-format
      instruction that produces zero output will branch to a random address
      determined by their least significant 16 bits.

5.31  RegDst can be replaced by !ALUSrc, !MemtoReg, !MemRead, ALUop1.
      MemtoReg can be replaced by !RegDst, ALUSrc, MemRead, or !ALUOp1.
      Branch and ALUOp0 can replace each other.

5.32  We use the same datapath, so the immediate field shift will be done
      inside the ALU.

        1. Instruction fetch step: This is the same (IR <= Memory[PC]; PC
        <= PC + 4)

        2. Instruction decode step: We don't really need to read any
        register in this stage if we know that the instruction in hand is a
        lui, but we will not know this before the end of this cycle. It is
        tempting to read the immediate field into the ALU to start shifting
        next cycle, but we don't yet know what the instruction is. So we
        have to perform the same way as the standard machine does. A <= 0
        ($r0); B <= $rt; ALUOut <= PC + (sign-extend(immediate

        3. Execution: Only now we know that we have a lui. We have to use
        the ALU to shift left the low-order 16 bits of input 2 of the
        multiplexor. (The sign extension is useless, and sign bits will be
        flushed out during the shift process.) ALUOut <= {IR[15-0],16(0)}

        4. Instruction completion: Reg[IR[20-16]] = ALUOut.

      The first two cycles are identical to the FSM of Figure 5.38. By the
      end of the second cycle the FSM will recognize the opcode. We add the
      Op='lui', a new transition condition from state 1 to a new state 10.
      In this state we perform the left shifting of the immediate field:
      ALUSrcA = x, ALUSrcB = 10, ALUOp = 11 (assume this means left shift of
      ALUSrcB). State 10 corresponds to cycle 3. Cycle 4 will be translated
      into a new state 11, in which RegDst = 0, RegWrite, MemtoReg = 0.
      State 11 will make the transition back to state 0 after completion.

      As shown above, the instruction execution takes 4 cycles.

5.33  This solution can be done by modifying the data path to extract and
      shift the immediate field outside the ALU. Once we recognize the
      instruction as lui (in cycle 2), we will be ready to store the
      immediate field into the register file the next cycle. This way the
      instruction takes 3 cycles instead of the 4 cycles of Exercise 5.26.

      1. Instruction fetch step: Unchanged.

      2. Instruction decode: Also unchanged, but the immediate field
      extraction and shifting will be done in this cycle as well.

      3. Now the final form of the immediate value is ready to be loaded
      into the register file. The MemtoReg control signal has to be modified
      in order to allow its multiplexor to select the immediate upper field
      as the write data source. We can assume that this signal becomes a
      2-bit control signal, and that the value 2 will select the immediate
      upper field.

      The first two cycles are identical to the FSM of Figure 5.38. By the
      end of the second cycle, the FSM will recognize the opcode. We add the
      Op = 'lui', a new transition condition from state 1 to a new state 10.
      In this state we store the immediate upper field into the register
      file by these signals: RedDst = 0, RegWrite, MemtoReg = 2. State 10
      will make the transition back to state 0 after its completion.