CS-343 Assignment 5

Due Date and Submission

This assignment is due by midnight, May 3. Submit it by sending email to me at the address, vickery@babbage.cs.qc.edu. Be sure to put "CS-343 Assignment 5" in the subject of your email and to put your name/ID in the message body.

The Assignment

The assignment is to write out the answers to Exercises 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, and 7.10 on pages 293 - 295 of the textbook. Submit your answers in the body of your email message, not as an attachment, and not as a Word or PDF document.

Remember, you are encouraged to use the Discussion Board on the course's Blackboard page (blackboard.qc.edu) when you are working on this and all other assignments in this course.


Op B A op(A, B) Address Contents
00 0000 0100 0001 0000 0001 0100 00410 14
01 0000 0100 0001 0000 0000 1100 10410 0C
10 0000 0100 0001 0000 0100 0000 20410 40
11 0000 0100 0001 0000 0000 0400 30410 04

This is a 2m x 4n memory built from 2m x n memory chips, so there must be one row of four chips. In this case, m is 3 and n is 8.

Diagram for Exercise 7.3


This is a 4(2m) x n memory built from 2m x n memory chips, so there must be four rows of chips, with one column per row. In this case, m is 2 and n is 4.

Diagram for Exercise 7.4


16K is 214, so it takes 14 bits to select a block of main memory, plus 4 bits to select a word within a block, for a total of 18 bits for main memory addresses. Each block is mapped to one of 128 (= 27) slots in the cache, so 7 bits are required to select the slot, leaving 7 bits for the tag that the cache has to record to tell what block is occupying each slot. The format of a main memory address would be:

Tag Slot # Word
in Slot
7 bits 7 bits 4 bits

The following table shows the memory addresses that are accessed broken down by what cache slot they correspond to. For each slot, the third column shows the number of accesses made to that block per iteration of the loop.

of Accesses
15 0 1
16-31 1 16
32-47 2 16
48-63 3 16
64-79 4 16
80-95 5 16
96-111 6 16
112-127 7 16
128-143 8 16
144-159 9 16
160-175 10 16
176-191 11 16
192-200 12 9

There are 186 locations accessed (the sum of the numbers in the third column), so for ten iterations, there would be a total of 186 * 4 = 1860 accesses, There would be 13 cache misses (once for each slot used), so the hit ratio, HR, is (1860-13)/1860 = 0.993.

The average access time would be (HR * 10) + ((1 - HR) * 210 = 11.40 nsec.

There are 8 words per block, so 3 bits are needed to select a word within a block. There are 216 words of main memory, so addresses are 16 bits wide. Three of those 16 bits select the word within a block, so the other 13 are used as the tag for a fully associative memory. Memory locations 20-23 occupy cache slot 2, locations 24-31 occupy slot 3, 32-39 occupy slot 4, and 40-45 are all in slot 5. (e.g, address 20 as sixteen bits is 0000000000010 100, which can be interpreted as slot 2, word 4.) There will be (45-20+1)=(26) access at the beginning and (45-28+1)=(18) accesses on each of the four iterations, for a total of 26+4*18=98 accesses. There will be one miss for each of slots 2, 3, 4, and 5, so the hit ratio is (98-4)/98 = 0.95918. The average access time is HR*40 + (1-HR)*1040 = 80.816 nsec.

For Fig. 7-13, there are 25*23 = 28 bits per block. There are 214 slots, so there are 28*214 = 222 bits of cache for storing the information from the memory blocks. Plus there are an additional 27+1+1 = 29 bits of housekeeping information (tag, valid, and dirty bits) for each of the 214 slots, for a total of 4,669,440 bits. (About half a megabyte.)

For Fig. 7-14, the values are the same, except there are only 15 bits of housekeeping information per slot. So there are 222 plus 15*214, or 4,440,064 bits. (Less than the size of the associative cache, but still also about half a megabyte.)


Each block spans 214+5 addresses, so accesses spaced by that amount will cause a miss every time. That is, addresses 512K words apart from each other.

If there is a miss on every memory access, the hit ratio is zero and the effective access time is 1000 nsec. The 10 nsec doesn't get added in because load through is used.