CS-343 Assignment 9

Due December 18

This is a combination assignment and final exam preparation guide. As mentioned in class on 12/8, we don't have enough class meetings to cover all the material we "should" cover. So we'll skip some topics, cover some others more lightly that I'd like, and as usual will cover some material differently from the way it's done in the book. But most importantly, you are going to have to master some of the material on the final exam without the "benefit" of listening to me talk about it in class.


In addition to all of Chapter 6, you need to study the following parts of the textbook:

Discussion Board

The Blackboard Discussion Board has a special area set up discussions related to the final exam. I encourage you to use it! (But don't forget, Blackboard will be down Friday the 12th and possibly Saturday the 13th, so plan to work around that.)