1. Give the IEEE-754 representation of the numbers +12.5 and 625.375. Show all work. Answer in hexadecimal.

  2. What is the difference between a latch and a flip-flop.

  3. (A) Draw a block diagram for a 4x3 RAM IC. Label all inputs and outputs meaningfully. (B) Draw the gates to implement a clocked D latch. (C) Using clocked D latches like the one in your answer to part B as building blocks, implement a 4x3 RAM IC. Be sure inputs and outputs match your answer to part (A). Use tristate buffers to connect outputs as needed.

  4. (A) Draw the gates and fuses to implement a 4x3 PROM. (B) Program your PROM so that each word contains a numerical value equal to two times its own address (unsigned). Include a legend to show whether a fuse is present or blown.

  5. Figure 5.39 shows a Mux connected to the bottom of the ALU. Draw a diagram that shows the internal structure of this Mux. Use a block to represent each multiplexor (not the gates inside the multiplexors), and show the connections between the control wires, the input wires, and each of the multiplexors. Label all inputs and outputs meaningfully. NOTE: Parts of your diagram are repeated several times. You need to draw these parts just enough times (2-3) to show the pattern of connections and the number of occurrences of the parts.

  6. (A) Draw the circuitry inside the "Sign extend" oval of Figure 5.39. (B) Explain how this circuitry is used in load and store.

  7. Draw a diagram that shows how to modify Figure 5.39 to support bne as well as beq instructions. (Answer in your exam book, not on the figure. Just draw the parts that have to be changed, not the whole diagram.)

  8. List the names and values of the signals that would be asserted during states 0 (8 signals), 6 (3 signals), and 9 (2 signals) in Figure 5.47.

  9. In addition to the six op code bits shown as inputs to the "Control" oval of Figure 5.39, there are four other inputs coming from four state flip-flops. (A) Draw a diagram that shows how the state flip-flop outputs can be translated into signals with names like "State0," "State1," ... "State9." (No gates needed; just draw a block and tell what it is; label all inputs and outputs meaningfully.) (B) Given these ten "State" signals, show the gates to implement the ALUSelA control signal. HINT: ALUSelA is zero in states 0 and 1, and is one in all other states except state 9, where it is not specified. It will be easier to draw the gates to generate a one when ALUSelA must be zero, and then to invert that.

Christopher Vickery
Computer Science Department
Queens College of CUNY