Exercise 2
To build a Token recognizer for Java programs.
In Exercise 1 you developed an application that displayed the lexemes in
a Java program using Java.io.StreamTokenizer to separate the lexemes.
Unfortunately, there is no good way for StreamTokenizer to handle
multiple-character operators. So I am providing you with another class,
JavaLexemes, which you are to use to implement a new class that parses
Java compilation units into Tokens. (JavaLexemes is described
You are to write two public classes. The class that contains
main() will be called TestTokenizer. It will use the second
class you are to write, called JavaTokenizer, to print the sequence of
tokens that make up a Java program.
Class JavaLexemes has one constructor, which takes a BufferedReader as
an argument. Once the constructor has been called, the method
nextLexeme() is used to extract lexemes from the input stream.
The return value of nextLexeme() is an int, which will have one
of the following values, which are the names of public constants in
class JavaLexemes:
| Meaning
| The public String, theLexeme contains the next lexeme
in the input stream.
| The input stream has been completely processed.
| The end of an input line has been reached.
| A comment starting with // was found. The comment itself is in
theLexeme .
| A comment starting with /* was found. The comment itself
(including any embedded newline characters) is in
theLexeme .
| A comment starting with /** was found. The comment itself
(including any embedded newline characters) is in
theLexeme .
| The public String, theLexeme contains a literal String
| The public String, theLexeme contains a literal
character value.
| A comment was not terminated properly.
| A String literal was not terminated properly.
| A character literal was not terminated properly.
| The file contains a character that is not part of the Java
language outside of a String literal or comment.
| There was an internal error in nextLexeme(). (Indicates
a bug in my code!)
| Defined, but not used.
Class JavaLexemes also provides a public int named lineNum
that tells which tells the current line number in the source file.
You can download a zip file containing JavaLexemes.class and a few
classes that it uses internally by clicking on the link below:
You can also download the source code for the Java program that I used
during the development of JavaLexemes from this link:
The first thing you should do is to make sure you can run the code I am
supplying. Set up a project directory, extract the class files from
JavaLexemes.zip into it, and copy TestJavaLexemes.java into it. Compile
TestJavaLexemes.java, and make sure the program works. If you give the
program the names of .java files on the command line, it will print each
lexeme in each source file, with line numbers. It can tell whether a
lexeme is a /* comment, a /** comment, a // comment, a string literal, a
character literal, or a "generic" lexeme and prints an inidcator of the
type of lexeme just before each one ( </*>, </**>,
<//>, <">, <'>, or <lex> ).
You don't actually have to extract the class files from the zip file.
Instead, you could give this command:
C:\> set CLASSPATH=.;JavaLexemes.zip
After this, java and javac will be able to find class
files that are located in either the current directory ( . ) or inside
Once you have verified that you can use my class, JavaLexemes
successfully, you can start working on the code for this exercise. To
get you started, I am supplying three source files:
- [ TestTokenizer.java ]
This is a "quick and dirty" program that creates a JavaTokenizer,
and prints each string returned by JavaTokenizer.next().
- [ JavaTokenizer.java ]
This is the outline for the class that converts lexemes into
[ JavaToken.java ]
This is the class that defines the data type for the value
returned by JavaTokenizer.next().
If you compile and run the code I am supplying, it should print all the
lexemes in the source file you name on the command line. Your job is to
get it to print each token in the source file, including the type of
token and its value (if it has one.)
Be sure to document your code in proper javadoc style. I've started to
do this for you, but have not done a complete job. You can see the
documentation for JavaLexemes, JavaTokenizer, and JavaToken by clicking
on [ this link ].
I am offering extra credit for work that you do to implement the
equivalent of the JavaLexemes class that I supplied to you. Your code
must be carefully tested and documented, but it does not have to be
complete to receive partial credit. Two people may work together for
this project, but no more than that, and the extra credit will be split
between the two people submitting the code. Submit your code by
emailing your JavaLexemes.java file, inside a zip file, to me no later
than midnight, May 2 (our first class day after Spring Break). Tell me
how far you got in your email message so I'll know what to look for (and
what not to try!). A maximum of 10 points of extra credit are available
for this work. If two people work together, you can tell me how to
split the points if they are not to be split equally between you.