Exam 2 Study Guide


This "Study Guide" is really too late to serve as a guide for studying. It might better be called a "last minute checklist." I apologize for not being able to get something to you sooner.

Exercise 2

My code for Exercise 2 is now available. Links to the code are below.

While working on it, I noticed that the copy of JavaLexemes that I made available to you was leaving the ending quote on the character and String literals. If you go to the web page for the exercise, the link to JavaLexemes.zip will give you an updated version that fixes this problem.

Also, I reworked JavaTokenizer and JavaToken compared to what I handed out in class. The current versions use interfaces for handling the lists of keywords, operators, token types. These interfaces are an implementation detail, not anything that you will be tested on.

Exam Topics

The exam will cover Exercise 2, lecture notes, and material from Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and sections 1-5 of Chapter 8 of the Sebesta text. Here is a checklist of things you should be able to do: This checklist may be incomplete!