CS-300 Programming Languages

Section 10T2 – Spring 2000

This page will be updated throughout the semester.

Course Web Page ]

Email Archive for this Semester ]

Date Topics Assignment
1 February 1 Course Introduction
Editing Programs
Send me an email message with your name in it from each account you would like added to the course email distribution list. Be sure to use the [ vickery@forbin.qc.edu ] address.
Read Chapter 1 of the Sebesta text.
2 February 3 Command Interpreters
Scripting Languages
3 February 8 Compiling Separate Modules Read Chapter 2 of Sebesta.
4 February 10 Linking Separately Compiled Modules Read Chapter 3 of Sebesta
5 February 17 Regular Expressions
Context-Free Grammars
6 February 22 Parsing - lexemes and tokens  
7 February 24 Java Grammar Exercise 1 ] Due.
8 February 29 Parse Trees  
9 March 2 Implementing JavaLexemes.  
10 March 7 Grammars.
11 March 9 *** First Exam ***
Study Topics ]
12 March 14 Variable naming. Read Chapter 4 of Sebesta.
13 March 16 Variable Attributes  
14 March 21 Pointers
Binding and Binding Times
Exercise 2 Design
Read Chapter 5 in Sebesta
15 March 23 Pointers  
16 March 28 Classes JavaTokenizer,
TestTokenizer, and JavaToken
  March 28 Last Day to Drop Without Penalty
17 March 30 Scope, C/C++ Memory Model
Dangling Pointers
Read Chapter 6 in Sebesta
18 April 4 Design of Exercise 2 Read Chapter 8 in Sebesta
19 April 6    
20 April 11    
21 April 13    
22 April 18 *** Second Exam ***
Study Guide ]
Exercise 2 ] Due.
  Spring Break
April 19 through 28
23 May 2   Extra Credit Assignment ] Due
24 May 4    
25 May 9 Lisp Functions
List Manipulations
Function My-Last
More List Utilities
Simple Predicates
Conditional Expressions
Slides ]
26 May 11 Towers Algorithm
More Predicates
Scope Rules
Slides ]
Lisp Homework ] Due
Solutions ]
27 May 16 Tail Recursion
Slides ]
28 May 18    
  May 30 *** Final Exam ***
4:00 to 6:00 PM
Reference Material ]
Study Guide ]