Property List Project, Part 2


This document describes "Homework 5b," The second part of the Property List project. The due date is Week 8 (10/29; 10/25).

For this assignment, You will add two new commands to the program you wrote for Homework 5a: In addition to "exit" and a property name, change your program so that it recognizes the commands, "getval" and "show ." The getval command is used to display the value part of a property list entry, and show displays all the entries in the property list.

Your application program must use the three functions whose prototypes are in ~vickery/CS-200/Homework_5b/plist.h: insert(), getValue(), and showList(). Note that the prototype for insert() for this assignment is slightly different from the prototypes used for Homework_5a. You must use the new plist.h for this assignment, so you will have to change the code you wrote to call insert() before.

You are also to implement the three functions listed above. For your convenience in developing this assignment, there is a compiled version of the solution in ~vickery/CS-200/Homework_5b/plist.o. Your application program must work with this version of plist.o as well as with the one that you write yourself. Again, the plist.o file for this assignment is different from the one for Homework_5a, so be sure to use the correct one.


Sample Output:

Your output does not have to look exactly like this, but you may use it as a model.
Property name or command: vickery
  Property type: int
  Property value (int): 100
Property name or command: vickery
  Property type: char
  Property value (char): x
Property name or command: christopher
  Property type: float
  Property value (float): 3.14
Property name or command: wagner
  Property type: double
  Property value (double): 3.14159
Property name or command: show
         christopher     float [3.14]
             vickery       int [100]
             vickery      char [x]
              wagner    double [3.14159]
Property name or command: getval
  Property name: vickery
  Property type: char
  Value is [x]
Property name or command: exit

Dr. Christopher Vickery
Computer Science Department
Queens College of CUNY
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