\n"); } else { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); } ?> CS-090.3 Assignment 4


This assignment is the first part of a multi-part project in which you will eventually construct a complete web site that students and faculty can use to apply to serve on Academic Senate committees at Queens College. In this first step of the project, you will construct a page with a form that will eventually allow users to log into the system or to register to use the system if they have not done so previously.

Project Description

Set Up The Assignment

Create a directory for the entire project named Senate_Application directly under your My Website directory. Use the template webpage to create two web pages, named index.xhtml and loginOrRegister.xhtml in this directory.

Add a form to index.xhtml with input elements, one of type text and one of type password so the user can enter a Queens College email address and a password, and a Submit button. Set up the form so that submitting it displays the loginOrRegister page using the GET method (for now). The loginOrRegister page should have a message that shows the email address and password that the user entered on the form.

Now add script links to the Core library from the textbook and your own JavaScript file named senate_application.js. Both of these scripts go in the scripts directory of your web site. I am providing a model script file that you may use to get started. I have commented that file to explain its structure: change the comments so they more meaningfully guide another programmer through the code.

At this point, you should have a working web site, except that it really doesn’t do anything meaningful yet. The next step will be to validate the user’s input before submitting the form.

Submit the Assignment

When you have built and tested your web pages, send me an email message to me saying your assignment is ready; I will get a copy from your account on the server and check it out. Send your email to:


Be sure the Subject Line of your email says CS-90.3 Assignment 4, just like that, to be sure your message does not get trapped by my spam filters.

Be sure to sign your email so I can tell who sent it!