\n"); } else { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); } ?> CS-090.3 Assignment 1


Your first assignment is to set up your course web site and to create your first JavaScript program.


First, log into your account and set up your web site using Dreamweaver, as demonstrated in class. TREE Lab Information gives information on using the computers in the Lab. Use 903 as the course number and initial password. Download the template.zip file for the course, and extract its contents, the file named template.xhtml, into your My Website directory. Make a copy of template.xhtml in Dreamweaver by clicking on it and typing Control-D (for “Duplicate”) and rename the copy as index.xhtml. You can rename a file in Dreamweaver by clicking on its name twice (two separate clicks rather than a double-click), and then typing in the new file name. Now you should be able to view the template file using the URL, http://hostname.cs.qc.cuny.edu/~accountname/, where hostname is the name of the computer you are logged into, and accountname is your own account name. Note that the character before your account name is a tilde (upper left corner of the keyboard), not a dash.

Once you have basic site setup and default index page working, create a script file namned assignment_01.js in your site’s scripts directory, and create a link to it from a script tag in the head element of the index file. Add a "This page needs JavaScript" element to the index page, and write a script that makes this element disappear if JavaScript is actually available. Test that your code works properly in Firefox, Internet Explorere, Safari, and Opera.

Submit the Assignment

When you have built and tested your web page, send me an email message to me saying your assignment is ready; I will get a copy from your account on the server and check it out. Send your email to:


Be sure the Subject Line of your email says CS-90.3 Assignment 1, just like that, to be sure your message does not get trapped by my spam filters.

Be sure to sign your email so I can tell who sent it!