Reference Material
In addition to the material in chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 that were tested on the midterm, the following chapters have been covered since then:
- Chapter 3 (Link states)
- Chapter 4 (Images and background images)
- Chapter 5 (Positioning and Floating)
- Chapter 7 (Client-side scripting)
- Chapter 8 (Tables)
- Chapter 9 (Forms)
In addition, the material from the web pages for Assignments 6, 7, and 8 as well as the tutorial pages, Using Photoshop and Preparing Image Files for the Web will be covered.
We also spent some time learning some of the basics of working with the server-side scripting language, PHP, and there is a mini-tutorial on that topic available now at: Using PHP. You are not responsible for any material on that page that goes beyond what we covered in class, but it is available to give you something written to use for review.
Exam Topics
Disclaimer This is not guaranteed to be a complete list. Indeed, it will probably be updated in the last day or two before the exam. But it’s a start.
- Relative, absolute, and fixed positioning: the position property and its values.
- The properties associated with positioning: top, left, etc.
- Link states, especially a:hover; changing link properties (color, background-color, background-image) based on the link state
- CSS selectors
- Converting a list of anchors into a vertical or horizontal menu.
- Floats
- Removing bullets/numbers from list items
- Different types of image files and their features.
- Intrinsic dimensions of image files; aspect ratio
- Lossy and loss-less compression
Color channels: don’t forget all the different ways to represent a color
- #f00
- #ff0000
- red
- rgb(100%, 0, 0)
- rgb(255, 0, 0)
- Transparency: Alpha channel
- The advantage of using transparency in a background image (because it lets any background color show through)
- CSS box layers: containing element; background color; background image; content
- Gradients: color stops and transparency stops
- Uses of images: tiled background pictures, background gradients, and text replacement
- Two required attributes of img elements: src and alt
- Photoshop layers and layer effects: drop shadows; glows.
- Options used in Photoshop’s Save for Web & Devices panel
Tags and attributes associated with forms:
- form
- fieldset
- input
- textarea
- select
- method
- action
- for
- name
- value
- type
- What happens when form data is submitted: how name/value pairs are encoded
- How checkboxes and radio buttons work
- PHP concepts: the <?php … ?> tag; variables; arrays; the echo statement.
Tags associated with tables:
- table
- tr
- th
- td
- caption