Reading Material
Since the midterm exam, we have covered the material in chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. There is some material in each chapter that was not covered, and some of the material in those chapters was covered on the midterm and will not be tested again. But you need to review it all.
Much of the emphasis on the exam will be on how well you learned the concepts involved in the projects. So you you should review the assignment web pages and your code for each assignment as well.
At the end of the semester we spent some time going over client-side scripting (JavaScript), and there is an optional JavaScript project that you need to study even if you do not actually do that project. The only written material on JavaScript that we used was my JavaScript Tutorial.
Topic List
There is no guarantee that these are the only topics that will be on the exam, but it should be quite complete. Paying attention to these items should help focus your study time in a helpful way.
Site structure and management.
You should be familiar with the use and purposes of the css , image , and script directories in a web site. You should understand the reason for case-sensitive link checking, how to perform a case-sensitive link check on a site, and how to fix any problems found during the link-check operation.
Text and Link Formatting.
Text effects: underline, overline, strike-through, small-caps, letter-spacing, line-height.
Formatting links: the :hover and :visited pseudo-classes to specify alternate background images and colors.
How to use the img tag to insert images into a web page, and how to use the src and alt attributes.
How to use CSS to include a background image for any element of a web page, and the related background image properties: repeat and position. How to use background images to give rounded corners to boxes.How to use the left property to create a faux column effect.
You should know what the intrinsic size of an image is, and how to use CSS to control the actual size of an image. You should know when it would be appropriate to use em as the unit of measure for an image (Assignment 5).
You also need to know how to control the resolution and intrinsic size of an image in order to control the size of an image file, and why doing so is important. You should know what types of images JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats are most appropriate for. You should know about transparency and gradients, and how they can be used to create visual effects for backgrounds.
The use of the table, tr, td, and th tags to construct a table; using the colspan and rowspan attributes to create merged cells.
We did not have an assignment that used tables, so I do not expect you to know anything more about applying styles to the elements of a table beyond the general information you know about formatting any any other box element on a page.
Page Layout.
Using CSS to turn a list into a horizontal menu. How to use the float, clear, and position CSS properties to manage the position of boxes on the page.
The use of form, fieldset, legend, input, select, textarea, and label tags to create a form. The use of the type attribute to create text fields, passwords, radio buttons, checkboxes, and submit buttons.
The use of the for and id attributes to match labels with input elements; the purpose of labels.
The use of name and value attributes and how they relate to the submission of form data. The use of square brackets in name values when submitting a form to a PHP script. The rôle of the name attribute in creating radio button groups.
The use of option tags in select elements; the difference between single and multiple select items, and how to specify the two options.
The method and action attributes in form tags. The difference between the GET and POST methods, and the reason for choosing each.
Using CSS to lay out a form.
Variables, Arrays, and Objects. Strings, numbers and references. Assignment statements. Function definitions, Function references, and Function invocations (calls). Return values. if-else statements. Using script tags to link to JavaScript code. Events and event handler functions.
The relationship between the DOM, a web page, and JavaScript.